Diocese of Brooklyn

Novena For Vocations

Nine Days of Prayer For Future Priests and Religious

A novena is a special form of prayer, where on nine successive days, a prayer is said for some special occasion or intention. The practice of saying novenas is scripturally based, modeled after the nine days of consecutive prayer that the apostles, Blessed Mother, and other followers of Jesus prayed together in the upper room between Jesus’ ascension into heaven and the decent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.  Prayed in communion with the saints, novenas often petition the intercession of specially selected saints (our exemplary role models in faithful living).

Let us pray together, with the angels and saints, for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life.   Let us also pray for all the vocations: for holy marriages in the Church, for deacons, and those that dedicate their lives to Christ in the single life.   May the Lord of the harvest send many to work in His vineyard!

Click on the mysteries to download.

Day 1: St. Rubin and St. Edward – With special focus on the virtues of purity and chastity

Day 2: St. John the Baptist and St. Stephen – With special focus on the virtue of humility

Day 3: St. John Vianney and St. Charles Borromeo – With special focus on the priestly heart

Day 4: The Holy Eucharist – With special focus on union and intimacy with Christ

Day 5: St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel – With special focus on the virtue of obedience

Day 6: St. Therese of Lisieux and Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta – With a special focus on the virtue of charity

Day 7: St. Peter, St. Paul, and Blessed John Paul II – With a special focus on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit

Day 8: St. John the Evangelist – With a special focus on Love for Mary

Day 9: Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus – With a special focus on the gifts of faith, hope, and charity

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